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Question about battery cables

To: "6pack" <>, "Triumph Email List" <>
Subject: Question about battery cables
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 14:09:49 -0400
Thread-index: AcRZTUWx+F9Xd7oCRPuxHglcnI7JKA==
I am in the middle of a project which necessitated disconnecting the
battery.  The negative cable is not the best looking specimen I've seen.
I'm thinking of replacing both my positive and negative cables, and possibly
the battery, and thought I might consult the list.


While these cables are available from the major Triumph suppliers, I
wondered if I might be better to get them from another generic supplier.  If
so, what specifically should I look or ask for?


Also, what's the general consensus for a battery for a TR6?  I wouldn't mind
having one with a little more than normal juice, if that would do any good,
since I might add an electric fan in the future.   


Thanks, as always,


R. Ashford Little II

 <> '70 TR6

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