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RE: TR8 engine fire

Subject: RE: TR8 engine fire
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 10:32:22 -0400
Ok, so I think I have a pretty good idea of what happened.  After getting
the engine cleaned up enough to examine, it looks like it was the wiring
harness coming from the alternator that was burning.  It's pretty darn
crispy critters.  So maybe it grounded out somewhere along the line.  At
this point it's toast so you can't tell anymore.
Are these wiring harnesses still available or do I have to make one?

>> On 06/18/04 John wrote.. the engine stalled.
>> Before I could say "huh?" white smoke came billowing out from under the
hood.  I saw a small pocket of flame down >> under the right side of the
engine.  Now the car has been towed back I'm trying to figure out what
caused this.  >> >> The fact that it was white smoke makes me think it was
burning oil, not gas. But I was only driving for a short >> time so would
the engine get hot enough to ignite oil?  
>> So what's your take?  Where would you look and what would you do first?

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