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RE: Timing and Distributors

To: <>
Subject: RE: Timing and Distributors
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 18:51:40 -0700
> I am having a bit of trouble getting my car to run smoothly.
> 76TR) The bible
> says 4 deg at idle.
> Is this realistic

The specification of 4 degrees ATDC (note _after_) is only with the vacuum
retard connected and working.  If your vacuum retard is not functional for
whatever reason, then the "static" timing figure should be used, which is
around 10 BTDC (note _before_).  Exact value varies with year, so check the
manual for yours (I don't have mine handy).

Some manuals say to disconnect the vacuum line to the dizzy when setting the
timing ... this is NOT correct for cars with vacuum retard.


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