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Re: Pin in TOB sleeve

To: <>, "January Williams" <>
Subject: Re: Pin in TOB sleeve
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 14:11:42 -0400
I am sure mine came with a roll pin in this hole.  

As a side note to all of you who are pulling transmissions:  Make certain that 
you check the lateral movement between the two pins in the cast iron yoke, and 
the TOB groove.  All my TOB/clutch problems were a result of the yoke being too 
wide, I think.  The cross shaft has a spring that forces the yoke to the 
outboard side.  If the yoke is too wide, there will not be enough contact 
between the yoke pin and the TOB groove shoulder.  This can result in an 
escalating problem.  The one pin had barely made contact with the TOB on mine.  
This was not obvious until I pulled it out (after a few hundred miles) and saw 
the wear.  The pin wears rapidly, causing an off center load condition, that 
causes the TOB to bind, that causes more friction and wear, that causes.....

If the yoke does not center properly, either use a correct one, or install 
shims to center it properly.  My faulty one may have been from a bad batch, so 
there may be a lot of these out there.

I also put in the Gunst the last time, and this has been working great.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From "January Williams" <january at>
Date:  Thu, 3 Jun 2004 09:51:31 -0700

>With my rebuilt OD transmission ready to go in, new clutch installed,
>(thanks to Dave and Randall for the "connections" info) it was
>interesting to see the "choppy / sticky" clutch thread. I thought
>omigod, I didn't realize there were different front extensions on the
>trannies; I anxiously check them after work, yes, they are both "short"
>- correct for my 4A, even the early 4 tranny that's been on the car. 
>But then I start perusing Nelson's article on the Buckeye site, and I
>notice "the pin" in the TOB sleeve. I got a new one from Moss, and I
>noticed the little hole in it, and I now realize what it's for, to stop
>the TOB / sleeve assembly from idling on the front extension tube. The
>question is (beside the rhetorical question of why isn't the sleeve just
>supplied with the pin) what to use - is it a roll pin, taper pin, or
>I suppose I could size it with a drill bit . . . . Do I need to
>disassemble the clutch fork / TOB and rig up a pin in it??
>66 TR4A CTC74217 LO 

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