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RE: vacuum retard/advance units. Can they be rebuilt locally in San J

To: <>, "'sujit roy'" <>
Subject: RE: vacuum retard/advance units. Can they be rebuilt locally in San Jose, CA?
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 23:37:29 -0700
Cc: "Triumph Stag Discussion Forum" <>
> Sujit wrote:
> I'm having difficully in tracking down a new vacuum retard unit
> for my '71
> Stag.  Can anyone recommend a shop that can rebuild them locally or
> nationally?

Hugh replied :
>  It might be possible to
> buy a new one - have you tried any UK suppliers?

Aha ... Mick Dolphin has them listed @ 25GBP
P/N 521014 should be the correct retard unit for a Mk I "emissions" (ie
Federal) Stag, according to my Stag SPC.

Tim Buja has given the Lucas P/N as 54424241, but my 1971 Lucas catalog
gives it as 54422902.

I also found a supercession for the early unit to 528409 (but no one that
carries the later number), perhaps that's what Tim's Lucas number matches.
The Mk II retard unit should be 520131 (but couldn't find that one either).


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