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RE: Head gasket - TR4

Subject: RE: Head gasket - TR4
From: "john matthews" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 07:51:18 -0700 FILETIME=[9889B030:01C42EC2]
>1.  The replacement gasket I have is the same as the failed - copper
>both sides over fiber.  Is there anything better? any suggestions?

I'm a little late on this one but haven't seen anyone mention Mordy Dunst.

He races a TR 4 and makes the best head gasket I've ever seen. Buy it once, 
they're reusable!!!!

While you're at it get yourself a silicon valve cover gasket from Justin 

The only way to keep your valve cover from leaking IMHO. NFI, just a 
satisifed customer (actually I won the valve cover gasket at a club raffle). 
Both these guys put their money where the mouths are and came up with better 
solutions for our cars. They drive the same cars we do so they have an 
interest in getting it right.

And you might as well buy this book.

It's got something for most of our cars, and it's up to date (not what they 
thought worked in 1967, but what actually works in 2004). Tons of great info 
and contacts for preparing your car.

I think it's great that we have some large companies producing and selling 
parts for our 40 year old cars, but whenever I can buy a better product from 
an individual who's just as crazy as I am; I want to support that type of 


John Matthews
'61 Herald
'63 TR 4

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