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Re: ANSA vs Monza for TR250/TR6

To: <> FILETIME=[0EC6E760:01C427A5]
Subject: Re: ANSA vs Monza for TR250/TR6
From: "Wages, Jeffrey" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 09:32:13 -0400
Thread-index: AcQnpQ4SDLuupk0qQXKLJvUt2j/APA==
Thread-topic: Re: ANSA vs Monza for TR250/TR6
> Any comments out there on Monza vs ANSA systems? I
> understand that ANSA is no longer available except as NOS.
> Thanks,
> Don Malling

I have a stainless exhaust system from Rimmer Bros.. Not sure of the brand. I
think it's their own brand. It was on the car when I purchased it. It has the
dual tailpipe with dual mufflers. Personally I think it sounds the best out of
all the exhausts I have heard and the quality seems very good.


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