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Clutch noise

To: <>
Subject: Clutch noise
From: "Donald Knudsen" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 23:58:56 -0400
Hi listers,
I have noticed an engine speed ticking noise coming from the direction of the
transmission (or clutch). It goes away when I push on the clutch pedal. The
noise is there when I am moving or stationary, in gear or in neutral.

Is this likely to be the throwout bearing? Possibly a transmission problem? To
put a little context to this, I had the transmission out and the clutch apart
a year or so ago - unnecessarily as it turns out - the problem was a broken
sping in the master cylinder - I should have paid more attention to Randall's
posts. Anyway, I could have screwed things up when I put it all back together,
although I have driven it a couple of thousand miles since then.

Should I just pull the transmission again and replace the throwout bearing?
Any other advice?


'59 TR3A

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