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RE: Ohms Law...

To: "Randall Young" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Ohms Law...
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 14:45:55 -0800
References: <>
OK, I am  convinced...patchwork  is  a BAD  thing...turns  out it 
was 10 gauge wire (mea  culpa) so I just went and bought the  "right 
stuff" "No  worries  mate"...

However  I will  keep all this in  mind for the  inevitable..."road 
repair"  that surely will follow....<G>

Thanks  to  all  who replied.

>  > I need  some sage advice from the  electrical gurus  on the list.
>>  Can two (2)  14 gauge wires, twisted and soldered together, replace
>>  one short length  of 8 gauge wire??
>Not usually, (2) 14 AWG wires are only a little better than a single 12 AWG.
>Takes 4 of them to match a single 8 AWG.
>8 AWG is twice the diameter of 14 AWG, which means it has 4 times the area.
>However, they don't have to be twisted and soldered along the length, just
>connected at the ends.

Bill  Pugh
1957 TR3
Wallace, CA

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