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Spitfire stuff - VTR-SE

Subject: Spitfire stuff - VTR-SE
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 01:44:48 +0000
I am considering going to the 2004 VTR Southeast Regional next month.

I recently came to posess two rusted out Spitfires.  Another member of of our 
club and I are slowly dismanteling them to part out.  I have a 1974 drivetrain, 
including engine(reportedly 20K since overhaul - cannot verify), 4-speed 
w/overdrive (J-type), drive shaft, diff., spring, and rear axels.  Reportedly 
was driving when parked in 2000.

The bodies are absolutely SHOT, they were close to the beach, under tarps, for 
several rears; they are being cut up, the metal to be sold for scrap, proceeds 
to local Habitat organization.

If anyone is (a) interrested in purchasing or swaping something for this, 
please contact me individually (not via the list).  If you are going to SE VTR, 
let me know that as well, so we can both avoid the fun of shipping.

I am in final steps of completing a frame-off of a '74 TR6 - I would be 
interrested in spare tranny w/OD, engine, etc for a TR6.


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