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In the Master Cylinder Pits

Subject: In the Master Cylinder Pits
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 16:44:46 EST
Greetings from deep in the master cylinder pits.  I just tore down the brake 
and clutch master cylinders on my TR3A, and I'm assessing the bores.  One is 
clean and smooth throughout, but the other is clean and smooth down to about 
2.5" from the very opening of the bore, where there appear to be some scratch 
marks more so than pitting.

To what depth must the bore be smooth before pitting or scratching become a 
problem?  I'd like to take a shot at rebuilding them both, but if I'm deep 
enough in the pits on the one, it may be better to send it out for resleeving.


Bill Stagg
1960 TR3A

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