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VTR 2004 Convention Update

Subject: VTR 2004 Convention Update
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 12:32:05 -0600 6.0.3HF125 | November 26, 2003) at 02/24/2004 12:32:06, Serialize complete at 02/24/2004 12:32:06, Itemize by SMTP Server on SMTPMTA2/i2Tech(Release 6.0.1CF1 | March 06, 2003) at 02/24/2004 12:32:07 PM, Serialize by Router on SMTPMTA2/i2Tech(Release 6.0.1CF1 | March 06, 2003) at 02/24/2004 12:32:09 PM, Serialize complete at 02/24/2004 12:32:09 PM
"...they came through when absolutely "NO-CLUB" came forward to host the 

I think that many of us on the list (speaking for myself at least) had no 
idea that finding a club willing to host was such a challenge.  I had just 
assumed that clubs would be clamoring for the honor of hosting the VTR 
(kind of like cities fighting to host the Olympics).  I had no idea that 
it was difficult to find hosts.  This has been an eye opener for me.  I 
now have a deeper appreciation for the challenge of hosting a VTR 
national.  I'd like to say "thanks" to the folks (including the Roadster 
Factory) that make this happen every year whether I am able to physically 
attend or not. I think that one of the disconnects that we often forget is 
that membership on this list does not necessarily equate to being active 
in a local VTR chapter. Those of us not involved with VTR should probably 
all try to become more active in VTR and local VTR chapters (where 
possible). No matter where it is held, the VTR national convention is good 
for the long term survival of the Triumph marque in the US. 

-Greg Hutmacher

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