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Re: Fluid for Overdrive Transmission

To: <>
Subject: Re: Fluid for Overdrive Transmission
From: "Terry Smith" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 18:54:42 -0500
References: <>
Just a quick/check:  Last time this question was asked to the list, am I
wrong that 50 wt. racing oil (I forget the brand; I have some in my shed
outside, but my 9 year old has walked off with my OTHER flashlight.  What is
it with  year olds and flashlights anyway?)  was recommended for the OD's,
as an acceptable alternative to Rediline MT90?
> Thanks to everyone who replied.  Ive got some Redline MT90 on its way
> which I'll try first.  If I dont like the way the gearbox feels, then
> I'll move on to the 30W oil.  At least I know I wont be doing any
> damage.  Thanks again,  John Mitchell   76 TR6

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