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RE: Extracting Spring Eye Bolt from TR3A

To: <>
Subject: RE: Extracting Spring Eye Bolt from TR3A
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 10:35:37 -0800
> The last item to pull from the rear of the TR3A is the leaf spring on the
> right side. After a relatively smooth extraction of the spring
> eye bolt on the
> left side, it's only fair that this one is a struggle. It won't budge.

> I've no wish to cut a hole in the body to drive it out with a
> drift.  Other ideas?

Forgot to mention, it's not all that hard to take the body loose and lift it
enough to access the ends of the pins.  With it up out of the way, you
should be able to slide the springs off the pins (or cut them off if
necessary), which will make it easier to drive the pins through the frame.
If they're really stubborn, you could also cut the pins off near the frame,
and drill them out.


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