-----Original Message-----
From: ZinkZ10C@aol.com [mailto:ZinkZ10C@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 7:14 PM
To: geneglenn@qwest.net
Subject: Re: Seattle area sandblasting
Good post but it didn't go to the list, just me! Might be a good idea
In a message dated 2/4/04 1:05:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
geneglenn@qwest.net writes:
<< Subj: RE: Seattle area sandblasting
Date: 2/4/04 1:05:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: geneglenn@qwest.net (Gene)
To: ZinkZ10C@aol.com
We just finished glass bead blasting 5 TR3 steel wheels with #10 glass
beads which I have used on aluminum aircraft parts for 20 years. They
were too fine for heavy rust removal. Glass beads to a fantastic job
and don't rough up the surface, but one must go coarser than # 10. If
you don't have a severe rust problem #10 produces a beautiful satin
finish. For heavy rust one will have to go down very close to a #4 or
be willing to spend a lifetime in front of a blasting cabinet. The
lower the number, the coarser the bead, and I think the range is from
#13 (fine) to #4 (coarse).
Gene Glenn