Does anyone have a phone number for Grundy?
> Hi Greg, I highly recommend Grundy Classic Car Insurance. They have no
> limitations on mileage, they have the same beliefs that most of us have.
Our cars
> should be driven, not parked in the garage! They are very competitive on
> as well, it should cost less then $200.00 a year for complete coverage.
> I fully restored my TR250 about 4 years ago and about 2 years ago my car
> hit with a baseball while at a company picnic and put a small size dent in
> hood. However, the shop told me that they would need to remove the hood,
> the dent, repaint the whole hood as well as the top part of the fenders so
> that everything blended in and then paint on a new stripe. The whole job
> $1,100.00...I called Grundy, told them what happened and what needs to be
done to
> fix it and the cost. They said no problem, in 2 days they sent me a check
> full in my name to fix the car, they never bothered with an adjuster to
> inspect the car or the work. They didn't even ask for a copy of the