>5. What is used for "glazing" on the window? Anyone have experience with
>the product sold by Moss?
>The glazing rubber I got from Moss was about 6 or 7 ft of 1/16 thick x 1-1/2"
>or 2" wide black stretchy rubber. I folded this over the glass as I assembled
>the windscreen frame.
>This rubber needed to be compressed into the slots of the frame and was a
>major pain to hold everything together while you attached the screws.
Others have commented on the PITA this 'glazing' is. Mine appears to
have been done with cloth many years ago (possibly original). This
would see to be a more workable alternative. Appears to me that about
all the glazing does is keep the glass from moving around -- tightly
compressed rubber may be overkill as these guys aren't exactly
watertight vessels.
Anyone know what was originally used to hold the glass in the frame?
Geo Hahn
59 TR3A
Mt Lemmon, AZ