> What's the best/easiest way to verify operation of the vacuum
> advance on a
> TR3A distributor?
Probably the best way is to disconnect the line, hook up a timing light,
start the engine, then watch the timing mark as you apply vacuum to the
advance module. I use a MityVac.
However if you don't have a ready source of vacuum, you can just suck on the
port. If it doesn't leak, it's probably OK.
> Can the diaphrams be replaced or repaired?
Takes special equipment to do it, but I was able to have my local
independant parts supply house send the module out to be rebuilt. ISTR the
price was about $30 (although that was a few years ago), and it took 3 days.
Even came back with the right compression fitting, even though they replaced
the part with the fitting on it.
> And what's that giant sucking sound I hear each time I tromp on the
> accelerator? NAFTA?
Either that or the air rushing into the carbs. A set of K&N's with some
good velocity stacks will cut down on it ...