Anyone having the aftermarket TR waterpumps 'without grease fitting' can
still grease the bearings. Just pull off the pulley and use a fat 0 ring over
breather pinhole in the casting (top of unit between two bearings) to seal
your grease gun's nozzle tip and pump till the dirt and old grease starts to
past the bearing seals. On my sealed unit I thought the bearings were 'going'
(little crunchies) but now feels smooth as glass.
'63 TR4 since '74
I'm sorry.......I'm an ole geezer.........I just like to just grease it
myself......pushes all the old stuff out that's been coming in.............I
found it easier than replacing it with another 'permanently lubricated'
something or other..........on my cars.....I must have replaced 10-12
lubricated' water pumps. I think permanent means about 3-4 years, eh?
I'll quit now..................