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Tr3 wiring harness replacement querys

To: <>
Subject: Tr3 wiring harness replacement querys
From: "Jim Lee" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 10:27:59 -0500
Hi all,
I've just burnt out a genny on my tr3 and will be starting out in a couple of
days with a brand new regulator and generator and was talking to the guy who
rebuilds alternators and starters for a living yesterday who bought to mind
something I hadn't considered.  That being the age and condition of my wiring
which from the looks of what I have seen could very well be original.  I am
certainly no electrician but I definitely can see pretty obvious signs of
oxidation and corrision when I look at pieces of the original wire.  And
unfortunately I don't even mean exposed original wire, I mean after stripping
pieces of wire.  His point being that it is quite possible that if it is
original wire, or even if it is more than x number of years old, the best
regulator and generator might be fighting a losing battle against all the
resistance being provided by those possibly circa Eisenhower administration

My specific situation is no great test case as I have been far from the
attentive daily driver of this classic car.  I have been guilty of ignoring it
for months at a time  in the past 5 years but plan on changing my ways from
here on out.  This winter should be a true test with the recent addition of an
electric fuel pump, lights on far more often, heater and my hardtop.  I am
thinking that the time has come to damn the torpedos and get a new wiring
harness, the getting of which will of course be the easiest part.

What I am looking for is any final words of wisdom before I embark on this
Lucasonian journey.  I have never rewired a car.  I am guilty of doing some
pretty ugly patch jobs but never anything like a complete rewire.  The only
thing that comforts me is that if I had to do one the TR3 might well be my
choice as the place to start.  Another question I have is what appears to be
the disparity in the cost of a wiring harness.  I haven't a recent catalog
from TRF but Moss shows a 'lacquer braid' MAIN HARNESS for my TS50550 for
$268.35 whereas Vicky Brit shows a 'Complete PVC' for $159.95 although less
headlamp and steering column.  Headlamp wires only add $8.95 at Vicky Brit.
Are the Moss Motors wires that much better?  Anyone out there have the
information on what TRF has available.  The other catch is that Vicky Brits
wiring kits are back ordered 5 weeks which I usually interpret to be an
indefinite number of weeks/months.  Any sources other than these three
suppliers Moss, Vicky Brit, TRF?
I hate to think of having to reinvest in another generator and/or regulator
for want of available wires.

As usual thanks very much for all catcalls,
stern admonitions, considered criticisms, scathing rebukes, questions of
character and mental stability et al,

Jim Lee

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