> In the course of the rebuild of my '60 TR3 I will be removing and
> rebuilding
> my engine. Is there a good reason to also remove the (non o/d)
> gearbox? The
> PO said there were no issues with it and it looks fine plus the car was in
> decent non-running shape when I got it.
> I'm only a shadetree mechanic and would rather not have to remove it. You
> see, with the leaves falling there's not as much shade this time
> of year! But
> I should do something for the tranny, but what??
Personally, I would pull it with the engine just because it's easier that
way. Then while it's out, pull the top cover & check it out, especially the
clearance between the synchro rings and the dog teeth with the rings pushed
firmly against the gears. If any are less than .025", I'd change the
synchros and seals. Speaking of seals, check for signs of leakage, too.