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Re: check out this honda site. really.

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: check out this honda site. really.
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 14:38:36 +0100
References: <> <000d01c36b06$4af398c0$d16c2341@whatever> <>
Hi Folks
A friend had a Honda Civic, a Jensen Healy and a Dolomite. He sold the Civic
as it was surplus to requirements, then he missed it and bought a CRX, sold
the Dolomite to his brother, a little while later he said he had forgotten
how little fun front wheel drive cars are compared to rear wheel drive!
As far as I can see, therein lies the answer!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew H. Litkowiak"
Subject: Re: check out this honda site. really.

> Some of us middle aged people actually modify the Hondas into fairly
> competitors. My 1990 Civic Si has been graced with a non-US 135 HP DOHC
> tuned SS exhaust and new suspension components.
> At the risk of drawing substantial abuse, I will state the following:
> My Si will out-accelerate, out-corner, out-run and generally out-perform
> Triumph car ever built. This is not a brag, simply an engineering
> This does not reflect poorly on the Triumphs. It simply demonstrates that
> lighter car with higher horsepower and more sophisticated suspension will
> outperform an older, heavier car.
> Each has merits.
>  From a pure driver standpoint, the Si is far more enjoyable to drive. It
> crisp, responsive, maneuverable and incredibly quick.
> On the other hand, the TR6 offers the driver a much more fulfilling
> experience. The look, the feel, the sound, cannot be matched or approached
> any "modern" car.
> Andy Litkowiak

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