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RE: Two LBC experiences in one day!

To: "'Jim Muller'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Two LBC experiences in one day!
From: "Harvin Sauls" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 21:48:49 -0400
Glad you were satisfied.  While many Miata owners are new to sports cars
and so don't know the history or just plain don't get it.  However a lot
of us do get it.  So it's not too much of a surprise to me.  Many times
my experience has been the reverse.  All too often I get no reaction
from non-Miata sports car drivers when driving my Miata.

11 years with a Miata, 10 with a Fiat and none with a LBC yet... but
working on it

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jim Muller

Hmm.  It sure was a nice evening for a drive.  But two Miata/Spitfire 
exchanges in one day, both initiated by the "other guy"?  Most 
curious.  Very satisfying too. :-}

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