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Re: ale

To: Triumph Triumph list <>
Subject: Re: ale
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 11:57:40 -0700
Time to admit to a major faux pas

I found myself in Munich on a business trip in early October.  At a 
beer garden I made a major faux pas by asking for a pint of dark ale.  
I was told in a very chilled voice that they only serve beer and ale 
was NOT beer.  I was almost afraid of being told to leave the premises 
or of being taken by the German beer Gestapo.  I settled for a Porter 
and longed for that pint of White Thistle ale I'd recently had in 

It has been my observation that ale and wine make fine storage 
companions.  Both seem happiest stored and consumed at around 57 
degrees.  So a temperature controlled wine storage unit is a good place 
to store the ale until serving.  So it seems like the real ale 
connoisseur should pick up a small wine storage unit to keep their ale 

TeriAnn J. Wakeman
      Marigold Ltd.

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