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RE: California Black Plates

To: "'Paul Willoughby's Home'" <>, "Triumphs List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: RE: California Black Plates
From: john & patricia donnelly <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 08:22:58 -0700 id h68FNG1p003331
Last year I went through the "new" licensing of my TR and the DMV explained to 
me that it was OK to register the car with the black plates if you have proof 
that these were the original plates that came with the car. Their intent is to 
not "issue" any more black plates, but at the same time not to take black 
plates out circulation for no real reason. As they put it, "Don't expect to go 
to a junk yard, find a set of black plates and have them put on your car. If 
the car already has them, no problem."

My car was non-registered since 1985, and it was not in the DMV database, thus 
a "new" car. I tried registering through AAA, but they wanted to give me white 
plates. So I went to the DMV. Now, since I had the 1985 registration and the 
black plates, they allowed me to register the car from scratch. We even changed 
the VIN number to make it more closely match the actual CTC #. The DMV was 
pretty cool about it

My .02.

John in San Diego
'67 TR4A IRS
Black plates = VDU285

-----Original Message-----
From:   Paul Willoughby's Home []
Sent:   Tuesday, July 08, 2003 6:01 AM
Cc:     Triumph Triumph list
Subject:        Re: California Black Plates

Also, although hobbyists have been lobbying for years, the DMV will not
transfer the black and gold plates.  So if you find a vehicle with them, it
has probably never had it's titled transfered out of state and probably
hasn't had an owner change since the 60s as I think the DMV requires
surrurendering them if you purchase a car that has them.  It places an extra
pedigree on the car, knowing that it has never lived in the rust belt.

Governer Davis recently vetoed a bill that would have allowed collectors to
use them for vintage vehicles like all California's earlier plates.  His
reason was that new plates are reflective and aid law enforcement.  pbbbbbt
on him.

Paul Willoughby
Torrance, CA
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Triumph Triumph list" <>
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: California Black Plates

| > What are California Black (licence) Plates?  Is there something
| > special about
| > them?
| hen the black on gold plates ran out of numbers in 1962, they reversed
| the number-letter sequence and reissued plates that were black with
| gold numbers starting 1963.  When they ran out of combinations the
| state started issuing blue with gold numbers plates.
| The few black ones you see are from vehicles that were issued them back
| when.
| TeriAnn J. Wakeman
|       Marigold Ltd.

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