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RE: leather care

To: <>
Subject: RE: leather care
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 12:31:38 -0700
>       Just got my newly installed leather seat kits back from the
> upholsterers.   Gorgeous!  What is the lists recommendation/preference
> for a good product for caring for them?  The upholsterer recommends Mink
> Oil, but I can't find it anywhere and it sounds kind of messy (which end
> of the mink does it come from?)   Listers?

Mink oil is good stuff, and you should be able to find it anywhere good
leather boots are sold.  A tin lasts me a long, long time (perhaps because I
don't have much leather to take care of), I just bought the first one in
many years a few months ago, at a shoe store in the local mall.  Here's a
place I found on-line that lists it :

Not certain, but I believe mink have specific oil glands located under their
tail that supply oil to their fur.  These are probably harvested at the same
time as the pelt, and judging by the prices, there is an oversupply of the


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