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Re: Underfelt kits

To: John Mitchell <>
Subject: Re: Underfelt kits
From: Darrell Walker <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 09:04:30 -0700
Cc: tr list <>
Hi John,

I installed a TR4A kit from Moss in my car about 10 years ago, and a 
TRF kit this past winter.  Overall, I liked the material in the Moss 
kit better.  It was made of bits of foam rubber bonded together, like 
the carpet pad you would use in a house.  The TRF kit used some kind of 
synthetic fiber, and I am still vacuuming it out of the carpet.  As I 
recall, the TRF kit had more pieces.  Both took some trimming.

If I was doing it over again, I would just buy bulk material and cut my 
own.  I do have some of the "heat shield" stuff that Moss sells (in a 
roll), and it isn't any thicker than the normal underfelt.


Darrell Walker
66 TR4A IRS CTC67956L
Vancouver, WA, USA

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