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Re: Gaydon Sale

To: "William Davies" <>, "Graham Stretch" <>
Subject: Re: Gaydon Sale
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 09:49:35 +0100
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Graam Stretch wrote:
If I went we would be bidding against one another for that 2000! I would
love to be the one to take that home!

You and about every other 2000/2500 enthusiast, Graham!
>From what I've heard, EVERYONE wants it. Resereve price is GBP300-500? It'll
be interesting to see what it does actually sell for. I suspect quite a lot
more. I'm not going to the sale. Too sad. What will they do wit the money --
buy more of something else? I hope so - but as the museum is already fairly
full, makes you wonder where they'll put it.


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