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Re: Modern equivalent to TR3A fan belt?

To: "''" <>, "''" <>
Subject: Re: Modern equivalent to TR3A fan belt?
From: "McEwen, Art" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 15:20:42 -0400
>> At $30cdn it's likely more expensive then the NAPA version but
>> still cheaper then Moss price after shipping is factored in.
>Your car is stranded, undrivable, what the heck does price have to >do with
your "must have needs", reminds me of the T/V commercial >with the flooded
home and the owner asking for competing bids, >sorry I just do not
understand where price comes in. "FT"
'cause I live in the real world where price is an object?  And unfortunately
driving my 3 isn't a "must have needs" like say heart surgery.
If the local fan belt was something outrageous (say $500) then it would be
cheaper to tow the car home and drive my boring car until the Moss/TRF
alternative arrived in the mail even though it would be off the road longer.
My point was that $30 sounds expensive for a fan belt at first but it's
actually on par with Moss/TRF by the time you factor in shipping and
exchange and quicker to boot.
I know the commercial, what if the guy rents and the plumber charged $10k?
I'd just move.
There was a documentary on the Peking-Paris vintage rally a while ago and
some owners were faced with the dilemma of choosing between getting their
broken down car transported from outer Mongolia or walking away from it as
the costs were just that high.
Art McEwen 

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