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Auburn, Indiana weather forecast

To: "List" <>
Subject: Auburn, Indiana weather forecast
From: "Lou Metelko" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 22:07:03 -0500

Anyone who has organized a big car show knows that the weather can and does
ruin months of planning.  For that reason, last January, I ordered cloudless
days with temperatures in the mid-seventies.  Looking at with
Auburn's zip of 46706 shows my order is right on time.  Perfect weather will
be in Auburn for Thursday, Friday and Saturday's TRA National.  Perfect
temperatures, Gary Anderson as the banquet speaker, Larry Learn teaching his
perfect interior installation secrets, seeing the first production TR (TS1),
good grief, what more could a TR person ask for.  Come join us for the best
TRA National ever!

Lou Metelko
Auburn, Indiana

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