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Welcome Back

Subject: Welcome Back
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 10:04:21 -0700
Nice  to see TeriAnn  back, I missed your always interesting  and 
accurate responses.

The UBSCC had a great showing at the Sacramento Shriners Concours, 17 
LBCs, weather  was perfect, Casper's only problem was me getting all 
the bugs off the front after the drive  from Wallace.  There were 
some great cars there,  my personal favorite was a 1953 300S Mercedes 
Convertible...awesome  after  a complete  if I  only 
win the Lottery...:-), several great Bentleys including one...wait 
for  SideScreen Convertible!!!  I kid you not...the doors 
were cut down just like a SideScreen we know Bentley 
was not above copying a great idea.
A very nice feature was the " parade of clubs" at the end of the 
show, our 17 cars  were  paraded around the paddock, and each  one 
was introduced.  Gordon Temple's  1949 Triumph 2000 won 2nd place in 
the Concours...don't  know  who  won, but my bet  was on the 300S. 
There were  3 TR3As in line before Casper,  introduced  as TR3s, 
when it  was Casper's turn he was  first  called  a TR2...I  held up 
3  fingers and it was corrected to  "a very  rare  TR3A" just 
can't  win sometimes...:-)

Bill  Pugh
1957 TR3
Wallace, CA

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