Allan Markby wrote:
>If soemone can't afford a real email address (there are many that are free)
>then they can't afford an LBC
Mike Hargreave Mawson wrote:
My main e-mail addy is
<> - which is pretty relevant to my website about the
history of the 46th Regiment of Foot, but doesn't relate all that
closely to my name, or even to my interest in LBCs.
In my case, I own two LBC's and a Fergie tractor (and can't really afford any
of them) but labour under the additional constant problem that few people are
able to correctly spell my surname!
If I'd had a penny for every time some shop assistant or telesales clerk had
cocked it up, I'd have been a tax exile long ago :)
When I signed up with my ISP, the guy on the other end said "d'you plan on
receiving emails?"
Don't people ask ludicrous questions, sometimes? Reminds me of a psychometric
test I once undertook in which I was asked whether I preferred Mozart or
boiled cabbage. I digress.
"Of course!" said I much affronted
"Well," said he, "we've got to make your name idiot-proof because if we leave
it as it is, it'll be spelled every way but the right one and there will be
many a slip 'twixt cup and lip" - or words to that effect.
After several cups of coffee and a long walk, I came up with the phonetic
version in current use
AKA Johnmcc (so it still isn't 'idiotensicher'), McCarty, MaCcArthney,
Mak-Kat-er-nay (te French derivative) - and MANY other variants down the
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