>They say that if you write, write about what you know. With that in mind, I
>am convinced it is LBC men who make the best horror movies.
Very funny Mark. I think our secne would be better portrayed in a
slapstick comedy written by Ernie
Kovacs... Blackouts, fluids that won't stay where they're supposed to,
varables that won't, constants
that aren't, gratuitous pain and mischance... THAT'S COMEDY!!!
If you want to see an LBC in human form, let me recommend "Little Polo"
denizen at the Mata Hari
School for Spies from the film "Casino Royale"... His last word were,
"Positif... Negatif... I never know
vich von iss vich!"
Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois 1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...
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