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TR2 Hardtop Survey Results

Subject: TR2 Hardtop Survey Results
From: "David Gunn" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 16:02:42 -0800 FILETIME=[05AE5690:01C2F32B]
To everyone who responded to my request for assistance on the color to paint 
my hardtop, the results came in in the following ratios:  7:2:2 
(black:red(body color):white).

Interesting.  The soft top and the sidescreens were originally black, if 
that makes a difference.

I've seen a picture of Fred's car with the red hardtop, and it does look 
nice.  I've seen pictures in a magazine article from Australia with a black 
hardtop, and it looks nice.  I have not seen any pictures of a white 

I think I'll go with the black - it's what my girls want!  (Yeah, and they 
check my clothes before I leave in the morning, too - to make sure I'm color 
coordinated appropriately!!)

Thanks for all of the responses.

David Gunn
TR2 in Chico, CA

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