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TR3 not starting

Subject: TR3 not starting
From: Jesse Bregman <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 22:00:14 -0800
Well, the saga continues.  After my starter problems were fixed 
(missing bearing in the rear of the starter--I have been missing the 
cap for years, and the bearing fell out), the car won't start.  Not 
even a cough.  I installed new plugs, put in an electronic ignition 
(Pertronix), timed it, and get a blue, but not very intense, spark.  
The coil resistance is right, about 3 ohms, so I don't think that is 
the problem, although it does seem to get hot, which I am surprised at. 
  So, it looks like the plugs are sparking at the right time.  I once 
had gapped the plugs at .032" instead of .025" and had a lot of trouble 
getting it to run properly, but it still ran.

OK, so I figure it is the fuel system.  One nice thing about these cars 
is that there are only two systems to go wrong.  Gas is getting to the 
carbs, and I set the jets at the nominal two and a half turns down.  
One was pretty close to that and the other was way off.  I should 
mention that this car was running fine until last weekend when I took 
it for a run and it stared missing.  It would be nice if it ran that 
poorly now.  Anyhow, I am now at a loss of what to try.  I even sprayed 
some starter (ether) into the carbs but the engine didn't fire.  Now 
that has never happened before either.  In years past, and I haven't 
had to use ether for several years, it has fired right up.  So, back to 
check the plugs, but they still look ok.  Anyone have another idea?



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