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Re: A ride at last

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: A ride at last
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 21:15:54 -0000
Fred Thomas wrote:
> .after 5 months under wraps I had almost forgotten...

Jim Muller wrote:
>Ain't it great?  We spend so many words in these newsgroups talking
>tech that we (seem to) forget that driving these elderly (ahem!) cars
>is what it is all about!

And that's why I drive 'em all year round!!!! Neither were laid up for this
last winter. Spent a fortune in time during the autumn scrubbing undersides
and wheelarches before another fortune in money on Dinitrol to 'protect the
investments.' Drove them all through the winter in the salt and the rain,
blasted off weekly with a high pressure washer and kept everything clean in
the meantime. Soon be time for more bottom-scrubbing for the summer and more
Diitrol. Cossetted, mollycoddled and pampered my Triumphs are not. They have
to earn their keep and provide me with fun - and the fun is a year round


- --
Jim Muller

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