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RE: paint repairs very long

To: "'Fred Thomas'" <>, Triumphs <>
Subject: RE: paint repairs very long
From: Mark Hooper <>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 10:54:12 -0500
Cc: british <>, spitfires <>
Was this method originally used to fix buggy doors where gentlemen's
backwards-pointing swords had scratched them as they climbed into the
vehicle?  :^)


-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Thomas []
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 10:08 AM
To: Triumphs
Cc: british; spitfires
Subject: paint repairs very long

Well after I inflicted 4 very deep scratches in my cowl,today I have
successfully repaired them with the help of Tom Householder and Eastwood,
is the precedure, Eastwood sells a paint touchup stick that has a small felt
tip (very tiny) on the end, with a 1/2 pint of computer matched paint, I use
the felt tip and the lid of the paint can to dip the tip, I then applied
"ONE" coat of color to each scratch, waited 1/2 hour and repeated this until
"all" of the touched up scratches had a surface above the original paint is
usually about 5 applications, let dry overnight, this a/m I cut a 1" X 1/4"
block of rubber out of a fiber-glass applicator pad, then cut a 1" Wide X 4"
long strip of 1600 grit sand paper and wrapped this around the rubber block,
use soapy water and wet sand "only" the 4 scratch marks using a rubber
squeegee to keep track of the height of the touch-up paint,being very
not to go down below the applied level of touch-up, after I have smoothed
area down to the original paint level I use my drill and 5" buffing pads
white (enamel) compound to remove the sand paper scratches, then I use a
polish cleaner and another clean buffing pad, and then finish it off with a
good paste wax and then glaze, unless you knew exactly where the scratches
were it is difficult to locate them, the secret if the felt tip and appling
one coat at a time, go slowly, it works and Tom's grandfather taught him
and you know how old Tom is so now you know how long this has been around
, many, many years.  "FT"

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