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Re: TR-6 Seat recovering

To:, triumphs <>
Subject: Re: TR-6 Seat recovering
From: "Lumia, John" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 08:24:47 -0700
Thread-index: AcLc4ck0kH/B/ERSEde/6wCw0Nor8AAAA67Q
Dean, awhile back someone scanned a set of seat covering instructions
but I dont have the website handy.  Will look when I get home and give
you the link if someone doesnt beat me to it.  Hopefully its still
alive.  John

John Lumia - 1976 TR6

Dean wrote:>

Last time I had my high back TR-6 seats redone the idiot I had do them

own damn fault I know, trying to save a buck) botched the job badly. Now

I'm preparing to redo them in leather I have no model to work from. That

no one would ever be able to figure out the correct installation from

model of my present seats. I called Moss about in depth installation

instructions. They no can supply. This time I'm having upholsterer I

do the installation. He did an unreal good job when I had my XJ-6

completely redone. I would still like to get him the best info possible.

Anyone know a good source for such info? Thanks in advance.

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