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Re: NO LBC CONTENT - Friday French jokes - Why did it end up here then!?

To: 1-Triumph List <>
Subject: Re: NO LBC CONTENT - Friday French jokes - Why did it end up here then!?
From: Odd Hedberg <>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 11:05:22 +0100
Organization: Seldom any at all...
I don't think your message will offend any French members of this 
great _Triumph oriented_ e-mail list.  They're used to 'murricans 
being rude and self centred.  We all are... 

The problem is not the French, Germans or Russians. Or any other 
European nation for that matter. The problem here is the US Govern-
ment not accepting what they once created themselves; 
an international forum for handling intergovernmental issues [the 
UN - that's why it is HQ'd in New York] and 
a middle east dictatorship [the Iraqi government was useful for 
fighting the Iranian ditto...].

What the Americans seems incapable of grasping is that, as long as 
the UN and its Security Counsel haven't decided to go to military 
action against _any_ nation, it's an illegal action doing so. 
[It would most probably end up with GWB being indicted to the war 
crimes tribunal in The Hague together with his top military staff 
- just as Milosevic and the rest of the Balkan Bunch was.] 
There is a vast difference in this compared to the 90/91 Gulf War 
- that one was sanctioned by the Counsel. And as it was: most 
nations was in on the game. Even our Swedish Army sent a contingent. 

I'm sure we'd all rally this time also - if only the Americans 
could stop rushing into it and waited for a proper UN sanctioned 
campaign. As it seems now this is mainly a campaign to secure 
more overly cheap oil to the US, and other domestic issues. And! 
Mopping up what daddy [George Bush Sr] didn't finish last time... 

Wait for a UN decision - and you'll have most of the world behind you.
Don't - and you'll have most of the world in opposition to you. 
It's as simple as that.

Can we now get back to matters Triumph, please.
A small side note;
For those who don't know, Sweden haven't been in war for close to 
200 years now [1814 we had a short skirmish with Norway...] and we 
do not believe in war as a means of solving disputes - but! To UN 
called upon conflicts we usually contribute - in one way or another. 
By having one of the strongest defences in Europe [As an example: 
in the fifties and sixties we had the fourth largest air force in 
the world...] we've managed to stay out of the surrounding conflicts, 
just as the Swiss have done. To the Gulf conflict we sent MASH units, 
just as we did to Korea. To the Congo we sent strike fighters and 
regular army units. In Korea today we are, together with the Swiss, 
the only ones manning the DMZ... 
War is the last option - not the first. 

David Hammond wrote:
> 1. "France wants more evidence .... The last time France wanted more
>     evidence it rolled right through France with a German Flag "
>     David Letterman
> 2. "The only way the French are going in is if we tell them we found
>     Truffles in Iraq."
>     Dennis Miller
> 3. "Do You know how many Frenchmen it takes to defend Paris?
>     - It's not known, it's never been tried."
>     Rep. Roy Blount, R-MO
> 4. "Have you seen the French Army rifle advertised on ebay the other
>     day? - in the description it says "Never shot.  Dropped Once."
> 5. "Going to war without the French is like going deer hunting without
>     your accordion."
> Sorry if it offends any French out there !
> David

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