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Natural Gas Powered TR3?

Subject: Natural Gas Powered TR3?
From: "Frank & Sandy Crowe" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 06:06:33 +0000 FILETIME=[E37A9FD0:01C2D713]
After the discussion of $3/gallon gas, I'm back to thinking about another " 
'round tuit" of mine, dual fueling a vehicle or two.

Anybody else on here worked with CNG carburation?  I have a couple of things 
I'm thinking of trying, but haven't yet.

One, looking at how an SU is made, I think it would make a DANDY natural gas 
carburator - just regulate the gas pressure carefully, then play with the 
size and the shape of the  needle and the orfice to get the correct mixture 
at each trottle setting and load.  Anybody seen such a thing?

Two - my '94 GMC pickup uses a thottle body, and from what I understand, the 
injector will control gasious natural gas as well and liquid gasoline.  
Again, just have to have the correct regulated pressure.  Any experience out 
there on modern CNG carburators?

If all fails, I'm thinking of adding jets under the Weber 32/36 on my BMW 
2002 and somehow regulating the flow of NG to it.  Mechanical linking of the 
trottle linkage to a  gas valve is one way, or probably easier would be to 
monitor a O2 sensor on the exhaust (all ready there) and regulate gas flow 
with a feedback circuit (either linear if I could find some form of valve, 
or pulse width modulate like a throttle body.)

'Course the other problem is compressing natural gas from the house.  I only 
plan on running it up to under 100 psi to avoid all kinds of tank problems.  
I have a small compressor that is sealed (no piston rings which have 
blow-by) which is a start.  Looking for other ideas on compressors for NG.

Anybody got ideas where I can look for info on all of this?

   '59 TR3A TS 55223L
   '54 Swallow Doretti #20 of 276 made
   '71 BMW 2002
        and tooooo many other projects

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