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RE: Triumphs mailing list - something apropos

To: "'Andy Taylor'" <>,
Subject: RE: Triumphs mailing list - something apropos
From: Mark Hooper <>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 12:42:23 -0500
Hmmm... Sounds like the mission statement of Home Depot, not Triumphs. The
primary tools of an LBC are a BFH, phillips screwdriver and a 1/2"
wrench/spanner. Not much electrical power required there... :^) 

As for the desire for triumphs only (all leaks all the time?), don't forget
everybody, that this list covers a lot of physical territory. Up here in the
frozen north it's -40 degrees with wind chill today. Not much transmission
adjusting going on in Montreal. Definitely don't want rancor, but a little
chat about various topics isn't killing me. Especially as I know the
writer's have at least something in common with me. It's just not that hard
to delete unread messages in the threads that have subjects I don't find



-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Taylor []
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Triumphs mailing list - something apropos

Self-determination, the autonomy of the individual, asserts itself in the
right to race his automobile, to handle his power tools, to buy a gun, to
communicate to mass audiences his opinion, no matter how ignorant, how
aggressive, it may be.

Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979), U.S. political philosopher. An Essay on
Liberation, ch. 1 (1969).

>>> Joe Curry <> 02/13/03 10:42AM >>>
Nicholas Froome wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a Triumph mailing list? Where they talk about
> :-)

Yes, just not today, it appears!  :)


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