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Ring gap

Subject: Ring gap
From: a Wallace <>
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 08:19:54 -0500
Hi John,
The usual rule of thumb I have heard is 0.003" per inch of piston diameter, 
and I also noted discrepancies in this spec when I rebuilt my engine. I 
bought a set of rings for my 87.2 mm pistons from Deves and while at it I 
asked about this; they told me mine should be 0.011" to (~?)0.015", and 
when they arrived by golly they were right on the low end of the spec.
I really think 0.003" will cause you grief.
Jim Wallace
3a 2TS81417L
>Hi all,
>Thanks for the advice on the wrist pin bushes, there does seem to be
>a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" opinion on that one. Next
>question; In both my Haynes and Intereurope manual for the TR2 it
>suggests the gap between the the ends of each piston ring when
>inserted down the bore should be between .010" and 0.15" However in
>the specifications of the Workshop manual it has .003". Now mine are
>nearer the latter, but wonder if its O.K or should I open the gap a

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