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Re: Fred's driving

To: Randall Young <>
Subject: Re: Fred's driving
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 09:11:26 -0700
References: <> from [] at Wed, 5 Feb 2003 10:08:19 -0600
Randall Young wrote:
> > Just keep saying to yourself, Look right first--then left, and above all
> > else--keep to the left!
> Easy for you to say !!
> Fred, you have my admiration for even attempting to drive on the wrong side
> of the road.
> Curiously enough, even though I live in California, there is a roundabout
> near my home.  Almost universally vilified by everyone else, I rather like
> it.  I'd say Steve left out a rule, though :
> Worry most about hitting someone else, let them worry about hitting you.
> Randall

When I was over there in the USAF, I didn't have any problem getting
myself tuned in to driving on the left side, as long as I was going
forward.  When I was backing up, however, it was a completely different
matter.  One has to force himself to remember which side of the road to
back into.

Roundabouts weren't much problem since there were 2 of them in Lubbock,
TX where I went to College.  The rules are the same except that you
enter them on the left rather than the right.  There still is one of
those things in Long Beach, CA.  So anyone needing practice, can go
there!  :)


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