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RE: high voltage out of alternator

To: <>
Subject: RE: high voltage out of alternator
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 23:15:40 -0800
> 80 tr7.  putting out 16v at any rpm.  ign light glowing.  i've come to the
> conclusion it must be either the voltage regulator, the diode/rectifier
> pack, the zener diode or the capacitor (all this inside the alternator).
> anyone know which item it is ?

IMO the regulator is most likely, but then I thought the zener diode was
inside the regulator.

>  okay to drive 5 miles a day for a week like this ?  or
> will it fry something ?

I'm usually a "just drive it" kind of guy, but this would scare me.  Not
only will it likely ruin the battery, but it will also blow sulfuric acid
mist into the engine compartment, along with an explosive mixture of
hydrogen and oxygen.  And if the battery boils dry, there will be nothing to
limit the voltage until it blows out the ignition module and the engine
dies.  (I've done both of these, but fortunately on non-Triumphs.)  Unless
you're lucky, and it only fries the diodes in the alternator (which are
unlikely to be the cause of your overvoltage).  But most alternator diodes
are good for 150v, many for much more, so the ignition module will probably
die first.

If you must drive it, disconnect the alternator and drive it until the
battery voltage drops below 12v, then reconnect it and drive until it hits
15v or so.  This is still very hard on the battery, but a week's worth
shouldn't kill it (or you).


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