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RE: Weather

Subject: RE: Weather
From: "Dennis N Culligan" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 09:29:38 -0500 +SPRs MIAS5EXFG4, MIAS5AUFPV and DHAG4Y6R7W, MATTEST |November 8th, 2002) at 12/23/2002 09:42:54 AM
"FT" wrote:
>Well, the snow is still on the sides of the roads...

    The snow is gone here in the Mid-Hudson valley
(more to come on Christmas), the temperature was in
the 40s and the roads are pretty clear from last
weeks' rain, so I took the TR6 out yesterday.  Had
a nice long ride, dusted a kid in a VW GTI at a stop-
light, then went to the car wash and rinsed it off
before putting it back in the garage under its' dust
cover.  Much better than sitting in a chair all day
watching football.
   Season's Greetings to all!

Dennis Culligan /1976 TR6 CF57948U - TR6IUMPH

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