No TR6 but I did do a 250 in lights. Unfortunately I don't have a's a F-250. Since I sold the rust bucket (71-TR6) I didn't have it
around to make into a Christmas ornament so I did the truck (er I mean the
Triumph Support Vehicle instead). Pictures available by request.
Maybe next year I'll roll the "project" to the end of the driveway and light
it up.
Bud Rolofson
71TR6 CC57365 (Good 6)
66TR4A CTC57806 (The Wreck-Almost Parts)
66TR4A CTC57529 (The Project)
71 F-250 Camper Special
----- Original Message -----
From: Fred Thomas
To: Triumphs
Cc: Bud Rolofson
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 6:32 PM
Subject: Yard Decorations ==NON LBC ---
Has anybody out in Colorado gone by to see if Rolofson has put his T/R 6 on
the lawn all decorated this year, come on Bud get the spirit. "FT"
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[demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of
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