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carb number 80 tr7

To: <>, <>
Subject: carb number 80 tr7
From: "larry stein" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 09:46:34 -0700
Organization: every home for christ
i bought a haynes techbook weber carb manual which supposedly includes
zenith stromberg and su carbs.  the three chapters on zs carbs include
cd, cd-2s, cdse, cd-2se, cdst and cdset.  however none of them describes
the 175 carbs on my 80 tr7.  i specifically wanted info on the funky
f(ully) a(utomatic) s(tarting) d(evice) which is the choke on these
carbs (a mini) carb.   does anyone know the model number of these carbs
or what real manual has the good detailed info on them ?  
thank you !  larry,

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