Happy Holidays List!
I wish to thank Everyone who has already responded to my earlier
request. Please do Not send any more info. I have the info. I'm sorry
that I did NOT send this to the list earlier :-[ , MY FAULT.
You see, I was so preoccupied with my thinking on getting my rebuilt
engine tuned up for future 'Test Rides', that I forgot :-[ on how
efficient & Helpful this list is, that I shut-down my computer & went
out to work on the car. :-D
BTW- I did get the car to run without the choke on! :-) In fact, I
was so excited, that I took a chance & took it out for a 1.5 mile TEST
RIDE! ;-) I DO mean a chance, because I do NOT have the bonnet on &
have a 1 1/2'->2' OVER HANG of snow ready to drop any moment! :-\ I'm
in the process of draining the oil, & thought to check my computer for
any replies. I'm just took a look out the window to see it snowing, NOW.
I must be doing 'something right' for the 'one above' not to cause the
snow drift to dump on my car or even a snow flake to touch it! :-D
Well, back to the oil & filter change. Wishing all, Happy Holidays!
-Cosmo Kramer
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