> Is there a current problem with the monster list? I was able to
> get to the
> front page (http://www.team.net/sol/britpart.html#monster ) but unable to
> get to the individual lists. Suggestions?
Ken, I've seen this problem before, but I'm not sure of the whys and
wherefores. Mark has apparently set the Team.Net FTP server (where the
monster list is stored) to accept only a single connection from any one
user, presumably in an attempt to limit resource usage. The problem is that
Internet Explorer seems to always use two connections to a FTP host. If the
second connection is denied, the page will not come up.
One workaround is to use a real FTP client to access the Team.Net FTP
server. I use a rather obsolete (but still quite functional) freeware
client called LeechFTP
With it, you have to specify in the 'advanced' section of the connection
dialog that the host will only accept a single connection (as otherwise it
tries to use many connections to improve performance).
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