again...I agree with everything you're saying...but
these places don't..and won't...sell you a '7127' Delco Alternator.
They require you to specify an 'application' to select the proper
alternator from their stock. It that situation...they should at least
supply you with the alternator 'appropriately configured' for that
'specific' application. Which is now quite apparent, most
parts chains ...can not!
Paul Tegler
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 5:22 PM
Subject: alternator pulleys
> The last 7127 gm alternator I looked at had a note right in the box,,,
> your pulley may be different and may need to be installed before
> installation. There are so many cars that the 7127 fits,, with different
> "clock" positions for the wiring and,, yes different pulleys, I'm not
> saying that the kid behind the counter knows anything,, He should of
> for a different one but when you buy an alternator,, it may come with a
> different pulley or no pulley at all.
> Kent Shrack
> '60 TR3a
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